Program - -

Invited speakers and keynote software demonstrations

The following are the confirmed invited speakers or keynote software demonstrators.

Enrique Alonso - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Rod Girle - University of Auckland, New Zealand
David Gries - Cornell University, USA
Jim Henle - Smith College, USA
Antonia Huertas - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Spain
Jan Jaspars - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Raymundo Morado - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
Keith Stenning - University of Edinburgh, UK
Stephen Wolfram - Wolfram Research, USA (by videoconference)


List of accepted contributions

Jesús Alcolea Banegas [
Universidad de Valencia, Spain]. Teaching Argumentation Theory and Practice: The Case of 12 Angry Men.

Atocha Aliseda [
UNAM, Mexico]. Logic and epistemology: a Graduate Seminar.

Enrique Alonso [
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain]. E-learning and semantic technologies: tools and concepts.

Peter Bradley [
McDaniel College, USA]. CT2.0: A collaborative database of examples for teaching informal logic.

Katarzyna Budzynska [
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Poland]. Araucaria-PL: software for teaching argumentation theory.

James Caldwell [
University of Wyoming, USA]. Teaching Natural Deduction as a Subversive Activity.

Walter Carnielli [
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science - CLE, Brazil], Juliana Bueno-Soler [Federal University of ABC- CCNH, Brazil] and Flavio S. Correa da Silva [University of Sao Paulo - IME, Brazil]. The King of Reasonshire: a computer game to practice critical thinking.

Walter Carnielli [
UNICAMP, Brazil], Marcelo E. Coniglio [UNICAMP, Brazil] and Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano [UNICAMP, Brazil]. The Inter-Unities Graduate Program in Logic and Information at Unicamp: a New Proposal.

Walter Carnielli [
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science - CLE, Brazil]. Proofs by handling polynomials: a tool for teaching logic and metalogic.

Begoña Carrascal [
University of the Basque Country, Spain]. Teaching logic in Philosophy.

Ludmila Dostalova [
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic] and Jaroslav Lang [University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic]. ORGANON: Learning Management System for Basic Logic Courses.

Susanna Epp [
DePaul University, USA]. Variables in Mathematics Education.

Joao Ferreira [
University of Nottingham, UK], Alexandra Mendes [University of Nottingham, UK], Alcino Cunha [Minho University, Portugal], Carlos Baquero [Minho University, Portugal], Paulo Silva [Minho University, Portugal], Luis Barbosa [Minho University, Portugal] and Jose Oliveira [Minho University, Portugal]. Logic training through algorithmic problem solving.

Olivier Gasquet [
Universite Paul Sabatier - IRIT, France] and François Schwarzentruber [IRIT, France]. Concrete epistemic modal logic: Flatland.

Olivier Gasquet [
Universite Paul Sabatier - IRIT, France], François Schwarzentruber [IRIT, France] and Martin Strecker [Universite Paul Sabatier - IRIT, France]. SATOULOUSE: the computational power of propositional logic shown to beginners.

Olivier Gasquet [
Universite Paul Sabatier - IRIT, France], François Schwarzentruber [IRIT, France] and Martin Strecker [Universite Paul Sabatier - IRIT, France]. PANDA: a Proof Assistant in Natural Deduction for All. A Gentzen style proof assistant for undergraduate students.

Roderic Allen Girle [
University of Auckland, New Zealand]. The Question of the Question in Critical Thinking?

Laurence Goldstein [
University of Kent, UK]. Adding a Dimension to Logic Diagramming.

David Gries [
Cornell University, USA]. Calculational Logic: teaching student to think about proofs.

James Henle [
Smith College, USA]. The Many Rewards of Putting Absolutely Everything into Introductory Logic.

Gabriela Hernández Deciderio [
UNAM, Mexico]. Philosophy for philosophers: Metalogic in basic logic.

Dirk Hofmann [
University of Aveiro, Portugal] and Manuel Martins [University of Aveiro, Portugal]. Many Faces of Logic.

Antonia Huertas [
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain], Enric Mor [Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain], Laura López [Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain] and Josep M. Humet [Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain]. The SELL Project: a Learning Tool for E-learning Logic.

Antonia Huertas [
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain]. Ten years of Computer based Tutors for Teaching Logic 2000-2010: Lessons Learned.

Jan Jaspars [
ILLC, Netherlands] and Fernando Velazquez Quesada [ILLC, Netherlands]. Logic in Action: An Open Logic Courseware Project.

Fenrong Liu [
Tsinghua University, China] and Xinwen Liu [Academy of Social Sciences, China]. Logic Teaching in China: Past and Present.

Josje Lodder [
Open University Netherlands, Netherlands] and Bastiaan Heeren [Open University Netherlands, Netherlands]. A Teaching Tool for Proving Equivalences between Logical Formulae.

César Manuel López Pérez [
UNAM, Mexico]. Philosophy of Logic versus Philosophy of Education.

Xochitl Martínez Nava [
UNAM, Mexico]. Mhy I faileb logic? Dislexic and teaching-learning logic.

Concha Martínez Vidal [
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain]. Master and Doctorate in Logic and Philosophy of Science: the Logic Itinerary.

Manuel A. Martins
[University of Aveiro, Portugal], Alexandre Madeira [U. Minho / U. Aveiro / Critical Software S.A., Portugal] and Luís S. Barbosa [Minho Univerity, Portugal]. Reasoning about complex requirements in a uniform setting.

Raymundo Morado [
UNAM, Mexico]. The Olympic View: Musings on logic evaluation.

Angel Nepomuceno [
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain]. Information-theoretic perspective for teaching logic.

Carlos Oller [
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina]. Teaching sound principles about invalidity.

Gladys Palau [
Universidad de Buenos Aires / Universidad de La Plata / SADAF, Argentina] and Ana Couló [Universidad de Buenos Aires / SADAF, Argentina]. Systematic Errors as an Input for Teaching Logic.

Jacinta Poças [
IST - TU Lisbon, Portugal], Manuel A. Martins [University of Aveiro, Portugal] and Carlos Caleiro [IST - TU Lisbon, Portugal]. Abstract Algebraic Logic and Computer Science.

Moris Polanco [
Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala]. The AProS Project: Teaching Logic to Business and Engineering Students.

Lubos Popelinsky [
Masaryk University, Czech Republic], Eva Mrakova [Masaryk University, Czech Republic] and Marek Stehlik [Masaryk University, Czech Republic]. Teaching Computational Logic: Technology-enhanced Learning and Animations.

Rein Prank [
University of Tartu, Estonia] and Mart Anton [University of Tartu, Estonia]. Using a Learner -and Teacher- Friendly Environment for Turing Machine Programming and Testing.

Chris Reed [
University of Dundee, UK], Simon Wells [University of Dundee, UK], Mark Snaith [University of Dundee, UK], Katarzyna Budzynska [Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Poland] and John Lawrence [University of Dundee, UK]. Using an argument ontology to develop pedagogical tool suites.

Diógenes Rosales [
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú]. The Teaching of Logic in the Humanities.

Aránzazu San Ginés Ruiz [
University of Granada, Spain]. Visual tools for teaching propositional logic.

Francisco Sauri [
Universitat de Valencia, Spain]. Illustrating Deduction. A didactic sequence for secondary school.

Luis Sierra [
Universidad de la República, Uruguay] and Benjamín Machín [Universidad de la República, Uruguay]. Yoda: a simple tool for natural deduction.

Keith Stenning [
University of Edinburgh, UK]. The tyranny of the code-model of language: some proposals about what we are teaching in intro logic class [whether we like it or not].

Patrick Terrematte [
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil], Fabrício Costa [Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil] and JoV£o Marcos [Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil]. LOGICAMENTE: a Virtual Learning Environment for Logic based on Learning Objects.

Mariusz Urbanski [
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland]. In search for the perfect syllabus: teaching introductory course in logic.

Luis Urtubey [
UNC, Argentina]. A Framework for Coping with Logically-Minded Arguments in Philosophy.

Rafael del Vado Vírseda [
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain], Eva Pilar Orna [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain], Eduardo Berbis [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain] and Saúl de León [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain]. A Logic Teaching Tool based on Tableaux for Verification and Debugging of Algorithms.

Stephen Wolfram [
Wolfram Research, USA]. The Future of Logic [by videoconference].

Corina Yoris [
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela]. Identification of Arguments and Argumentative Connectors.

Frank Zenker [
University of Lund, Sweden], Christian Gottschall [University of Vienna, Austria], Albert Newen [Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany], Raphael van Riel [Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany] and Gottfried Vosgerau [University of Düsseldorf, Germany]. Designing an Elementary Symbolic Logic Course within the Blackboard E-Learning Environment
  The Congress will take place at "Hospedería Fonseca"
Calle de Fonseca 2
37002 Salamanca
+34 923 294 760