From June, 1st to June, 4th 2011 we
will organize the Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL)
in Salamanca, Spain. Previously, these events have also been organized in Salamanca,
in 2000 and in 2006, and the web pages of these past events are http://aracne.usal.es/congress/congress.html and http://logicae.usal.es/SICTTL/
The congress will focus on a variety of topics including: logic teaching software,
teaching formal methods, logic in the humanities, dissemination of logic courseware
and logic textbooks, methods for teaching logic at different levels of instruction
(secondary education, university level, and postgraduate), presentation of postgraduate
programs in logic, e-learning, logic games, teaching argumentation theory and informal
logic, pedagogy of logic.
Call for papers

- Submission of Papers: January
10th, 2011
- Notification of Acceptance: March 1st, 2011
- Final Camera-Ready Submission Due: April 1st, 2011
We are inviting submissions on the conference topics, or on any other aspect of teaching
logic or logic teaching software. We prefer 6 or 8 page submissions. Submissions
must not exceed 8 pages. It is expected that each accepted paper be presented at
the conference by one of its authors. Papers must be submitted electronically, in
pdf-format, at the TICTTL EasyChair website . Submissions need not be formatted in LNCS style! However, accepted
full papers must be formatted in LNCS style, and must respect the page limit.
The proceedings will be published prior to the conference as a volume in the
LNAI-FOLLI series, a subseries of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Papers that are not accepted for inclusion
in the conference proceedings may be accepted for presentation at the conference,
and in that case will become available on the conference website.
Further information
Information about TICTTL is available at this site. E-mail enquiries about TICTTL
should be directed to the organizers:
Patrick Blackburn: patrick.blackburn@loria.fr
Hans van Ditmarsch: hvd@us.es
María Manzano: mara@usal.es
Fernando Soler: fsoler@us.es