
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

A Peer Reviewed Academic Resource

Enciclopedia de Economía y CIencias Sociales Eumed

En esta lista hay 929 grandes economistas. El criterio de selección no es muy preciso. En general están incluidos todos los economistas clásicos más conocidos y todos los pensadores y científicos sociales que han hecho contribuciones teóricas reconocidas a la economía, las finanzas, el comercio y la empresa.

The Tanner Lectures on Human Values

Appointment as a Tanner lecturer is a recognition for uncommon achievement and outstanding abilities in the field of human values. The lecturers may be elicited from philosophy, religion, the humanities, the sciences, the creative arts, and learned professions, or from leadership in public or private affairs.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Welcome to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, our dynamic reference work maintains academic standards while evolving and adapting in response to new research.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Online Encyclopedia

Explore the updated online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of articles, biographies, videos, images, ...


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