
Students can apply for enrolment in the official Master's Degree curriculum at any of the universities in charge. Applications will be forwarded to the Master's Coordinating Committee, together with the student's CV, academic transcript and, eventually, a cover letter explaining the student's motivations. 

Once the applications have been submitted at the corresponding universities, the Master's General Coordinating Committee, through the Degree’s Academic Committee (specific to each university), shall decide upon the suitability of each application and, if necessary, summon the candidate to a preliminary interview. 

The conditions required for admission are as follows: 

  1. Accreditation of a B1 level in English. 
  2. Foreign students whose native language is not among the official languages of the Master's Degree (Spanish or English) must certify CEFR level B2 in Spanish and B1 in English.
  3. The criteria for the assessment and weighting of applications are as follows: 
  • Adequacy of training to the entry requirements. Candidates should have the attitudes and interests suggested in the admission profile. (15%)
  • Average grade of the academic transcript. (35%)
  • Cover letter, where applicable (10%)
  • Scientific publications (15%)
  • Periods of study at prestigious institutions (10%)
  • Work experience (5%)
  • Scholarships or grants (10%)

The headquarter for 2017-2018 is the University of Valladolid

This master’s degree gives direct access to the interuniversity PhD programme in Logic and Philosophy of Science.

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